Saturday, October 12, 2024

Homecoming Week for Matt

 I tried to get to my first Ridgeline Homecoming parade ever since Matt was part of the Theater float.

Laura Frandsen always helps with it and when I asked where to park she said the best thing would be to come in after it had already started and they opened up the parking lot and then I could catch him when they came back in.  Well, things didn't work out quite that well but I was able to see him briefly at the very end.  It was almost 90 degrees outside and these poor kids were wearing their Ridgeline sweaters!  At least they had umbrellas :)

It was too loud to call out to him to get him to try and look at me for a picture.
He is holding the red umbrella in these pics.  They were rocking out (literally singing and dancing) 
to "I've Got a Dream" from Tangled :)  I could tell he was having fun!

Josh was on a date and Andy had stake meetings that night so I was not able to make it to the Hawkette performance at the powder puff game that same night but Katie Young got a few pics of the lineup for me.
Matt is 4th from the left.

Friday morning I got a text from Katie asking if I was going to the school that day.
When I questioned why she said to ask Matt.
I said he was still downstairs getting ready and asked her to tell me what was going on.
She said Claire had gotten a text that morning telling her she had been selected as Homecoming Queen and that Matt was King!  They were going to be crowned in the assembly that day.
Wow!  When Matt came upstairs we told him to check his phone.  He seemed confused when he saw it and we had to try and hype him up.  He said he wasn't even going to put his name in until Benji said they should both do it.  We seemed way more excited than he did.
Andy had faculty pictures that morning plus some meetings so he was unable to come.  Katie came and picked me up and Jeremy met us there.

I spied Ben from across the gym.  I love how he props up his one foot on his other knee :)

I was happy to see the Hawkettes were performing again so I could see it!
Sorry, so many pictures about to happen..I can't choose between them.  I just wish I had been a bit closer :(

Matt hurried and changed after he performed and waited in the wings until his name was called.
Here he is talking to Hope Spaulding, his date for the dance and also student body pres.

We had such a hard time hearing with all the noise from the students and the acoustics of the room so he was announced without me realizing it!

Brother Low led everyone in the hype you up festivities.
I love that you can see his untucked shirt here...very Dave...and Matt's crowned and sashed person in the bleachers.

We made the kids stay after so we could get some pics.
Matt said he brought a tie but could not find it for the life of him...he felt funny without it.

We had finished taking pictures and then these two high fived so I made them do it again and they hammed it up.

I'm glad that our families are such good friends :)

We stopped by the main office as we were leaving and Jeremy was talking to one of the administrators.  He told us that this was the first year Ridgeline has done Homecoming Royalty!
I don't know the exact reasons but they also chose to do it differently than most schools.
Names were submitted, either by yourself or someone else, then the exec council narrowed it down to 2 or 3 guys and 2 or 3 girls and that same council then voted on those names.  One of Matt's friends on the council told him it wasn't even close for either of them.  They had both won by a landslide :)
They kept it very low key...just the crowning in the assembly and nothing else.
What an honor for both of them!

Before Matt went to pick Hope up for the dance he put all his stuff on.
I told him I couldn't see his crown so he did the second pose for me :)

He had a great time with Hope as his date!  
She is such a great girl :)

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