Wednesday, April 13, 2016

School Doings

Here's a few things that have been happening in the schools...

Blurry pictures of Matt at reading counts assemblies

Abby too...

Matt and I had our annual western night.

He's a grand, little cowboy and square dance partner!
Abby had a presentation for her SEM group.
She chose the Great Depression as her topic.
Well done Abs!

Matt is in the Spanish immersion program at school.  His teacher had the kids do a readers theater type thing for the parents.

It's neat to hear what they are learning since he doesn't demonstrate it a whole lot at home.

Josh had an orchestra concert...
and we know that means fun faces :)

This isn't school related, but Josh also participated in something called ASTA.
I really don't know what it stands for but he played a piece for some judges at the university and was critiqued.  I had the pleasure of accompanying him and was so pleased with how well he did. 

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