Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ben is 15!

We celebrated this little guy's 15th birthday at the beginning of the month!
What a little man he is :)

Doesn't he look thrilled to be opening presents?

Mickey Mouse shirt...and a Mickey Mouse puzzle...

Finally, some interest as we opened up the gift from our neighbors the Malans :)

Big smiles for Mater!  Thank you Malans!

Another McQueen to add to the growing pile.

A "Go Go" book...

And a new X-ray fish to complete our alphabet zoo since we lost the old one.  I finally broke down and spent the $17 for a small, used, plastic animal.  I just needed to have a complete set again. 
I'm sure Ben hadn't even noticed that it was missing :)

Reading a card from Grandma Bryan...

Love this group of guys!
(We missed you Abby!)

For the last several years, instead of trying to blow candles out he tries to grab them.  It is sad to me that he doesn't know what to do anymore (not that he ever was able to blow them out, but he certainly tried :)

After much prompting on our part, and much reaching on his part, Andy finally just blew them out.

The next day, our friend Charlotte came to visit.  She is a super sweet friend to Ben and he loves having her visit!

Then, of course, the celebration at the dome that weekend...

He loves it when we sing Happy Birthday to him!!!

Same situation here...notice the hands.

Poor Andy, it is his birthday celebration too but we spend most of the time focused on Ben :)

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