Saturday, August 3, 2024

Glacier Trip Part 2 (Day 3)

Andy and the older boys rented Ebikes to ride up past the car blockade as far as they could up the Going to the Sun Road. Andy said it was one of the best things he has ever done.  "It was so amazing to see these panoramic views without any cars on that famous stretch of road." 

After reaching the end of the bike-able road Andy and the boys went back down a hundred yards to have some lunch. While they were enjoying lunch (and the many deer encounters), they missed the opening of the road above them. Everyone else was able to make it to Logan Pass. The boys started heading back and didn't realize what they missed. It was still a remarkable experience! 

The boys were anxious to go mini golfing afterward 😂

Ben and I spent the day in our cozy bungalow.  He was happy with his iPad, a few toys that I had brought and PBS kids on the tv.  I spent time catching up on the blog and reading :)

Another couple of rounds of games that evening and then we got a good night's rest before driving all the way home the next day.

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