Monday, October 7, 2024

July Odds and Ends

Josh worked as an FSY counselor this summer.
This is one weekend he came home in between nearby sessions and Ben made sure to play ball with him :)

Ben being silly one night...he just lay there with his feet up for quite a while!

Kidd Family Camp

Andy, Matt, Ben and I were only able to go up the first evening.  It was very sparse in attendance since it was the first night but we were still able to have fun.

Mom and Dad had just recently returned from their trip to France so Mom set out a goody tasting for us.  So fun to try some different things!  The macarons were my fave!

Andy was able to present a gift to Mom and her sisters. (He left one for David since he hadn't arrived yet)
One of his faculty members had taken bricks from the Institute building when it was torn down and mounted and labeled them nicely.  

Josh's last two FSY weeks were in Oregon.  While attending the ward there he saw a familiar face!
Elder Weston Major from our stake (also from our former ward before boundary changes)

This is not a picture of Abby but one she sent of her co-worker and a fish they had caught.
It's fun getting updates every now and then from our Alaskan adventuress :)

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