Saturday, May 25, 2024

February Odds and Ends

Valentine's Day flowers...I put together the dozen white roses and it wasn't until we were taking pictures of them for advertising purposes that we noticed they were in the shape of a heart (kind of :)
The second probably my favorite arrangement I did this go around.

I went to my sis in law's art studio for the first time and fell in love with a commission she had finished of Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland!

The old living area of our home has been somewhat of a stumper as to what to make of it.
For now at least, it has become a small sitting area.  We found some fun green chairs and a side table.  The rug is not what we ended up with but at the time of the picture it is what we had.
I plan to do a gallery wall above the table with a small frame t.v. in the midst to keep me company while I am doing cookies and the like.


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