Friday, May 24, 2024

January Odds and Ends

Grandma Jannie still had her Christmas decor up so Josh got to see the tradition of the German Nativity lit that first Sunday back (Ben was still very much out of it) 

Josh had gotten a haircut soon before coming home but it needed a little bit of cleaning up so Andy took to the razor.

Things continued to progress slowly in the home.
As mentioned before, Jo and T worked to paint our dining shiplap green.
They did a great job and we were so grateful!

Showing support for a friend with cancer...

Josh and Matt before a devotional with Elder Steven Lund (I believe)

Matt asked Molly Gordon to prom and this was her answer...

We finally got the post covered and the mantle and hearth put in along with the shiplap on the fireplace!
We had gone the rounds with the finish worker (Andrew) about what wood to use and what finish would look best...we had pretty different opinions.  Anyway, he finally let me have my way :)
You can barely see on the right that we got the shelf up on the green shiplap as well.  I love it!

A few of my favorite flowers I did for prom...

This was the set I made for Matt and his date.

Speaking of which...
Matt and Molly

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