Friday, October 11, 2024

August Odds and Ends

The beginning of August,  Andy and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary.
We enjoyed one of our faves...Le Nonne.
It was such a pleasant evening.
I'm such a lucky lady to have such a patient and loyal guy by my side.

My friend Laura, who I have helped seasonally for about 6 years with her flower business, opened a storefront.  Everything has been done in her basement up until now and it will be so fun to have an actual studio with dedicated places for everything and a big enough space for us all to work together instead of being spread throughout different rooms in the cramped basement.
We are missing our sweet Camille in this picture but these are the other great ladies I get to work with.

I had wanted to make some cookies for Laura to celebrate her grand opening.
I was about to start them when I found out she was changing her logo so I waited until that was finalized and then got to work.  She's been keeping them displayed in her shop ever since :)

I had Andy grab a picture of these two friends in their matching hoodies (from a recent concert they went to together) working on their posters to ask dates to Homecoming.

Abby sent us this picture from a fishing excursion with the crew in Alaska.
What a haul!

 And then just some screen shots of her BeReals way up North...

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