Wednesday, October 9, 2024

July Cookies

 My friend approached me about doing some cookies for her daughter in law's baby shower.  I said I would be happy to and asked what the theme was.  She said she would send me the invite to show me.

It was an adorable invitation saying "A little Princess is on the way" with a picture of a cute Princess Leia.

I got so excited and giddy over this theme!  My mind started going immediately and I began gathering ideas and thoughts.

I am pretty happy with what I came up with!

This was one of my most favorite sets to date :)

I was particularly pleased with my ewok teddy bears :)

Sad story though...I delivered these to my friend a few days before the shower.  She absolutely loved them!  The next time I saw her I asked how the shower had gone and she told me about it then said something like..."I guess you just had a really busy Saturday?"  meaning, why didn't you come?  I had thought that she had just sent me the invite to show me the theme but I had been invited!  The other friends in the group had come and I had missed it:(  I felt so bad!  She said I was one of her closest friends, of course I was invited!  But I had just thought it was a family/and or neighborhood shower.  I felt dumb but she assured me that we should just both view it as a unfortunate misunderstanding and laugh about it.

Next up was my nephew's mission cookies.
He was my second nephew to go to Peru but where the set for the first was llamas and such, this mission was in the jungle!  These were tricky for me to design...they took a long time and lots of trial and error.
I had talked to my nephew a few weeks before and he said when he thought of the jungle he thought of snakes and monkeys.

I was able to figure out the snake after several attempts but I can't tell you how many different monkey cookies I tried that didn't turn out.  Some of them looked like clowns and others were just cartoonish which was not the look I was going for  :(  So, sadly, I had to scrap the monkey idea.

I couldn't come up with a good frog pun but I had to use him anyway because he was my favorite of this set!  I was able to try out some water droplets for the first time.  This picture was taken a few days after I had finished them and my melted candy droplets had started to change consistency...kind of they didn't look as good as they had right off the bat.  I need to experiment a little more to find out how to store, package and take care of water droplet cookies.

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